Below is an excerpt from my curricolum vitae.
- 2024-now: Software Developer at CAREL Industries (Padua - IT): I focus on developing an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for CAREL controllers using C# and WPF, seamlessly integrated with cloud environments based on ASP.NET and React
- 2021-2024: Migration and update of the company’s website VuotoTecnica SRL (Lecco - IT) from PHP 5.6 to PHP 8, removed jQuery in favor of Vanilla JS
- 2017-2024: Maintenance and update of some open source libraries for Android: MaterialSeekArc, FlowLayoutManager, Bubble-Picker, MaterialSearchBar, ZGallery, MaterialToolbarSpinner
- 2020-2024: Creation of some web-apps based on the Vue.js framework: Castle Game, App AG Fronzoni.
- 2017-2018: I.T.S.T. J.F. Kennedy (Pordenone - IT), Piancavallo 1265: Realization of the platform APPiancavallo and the related Android APP
- 2016-2017: Gestiware SRL (Pordenone - IT): Development of a text file parsing application in C#
- 2016: ASeR Kennedy (Pordenone - IT): IT Animator at summer recreational activities
- 2018: Liceo Leopardi Majorana (Pordenone - IT): Speaker on a conference on how to build a mobile app
Education and Training🏫
- 2021-2024: University of Padua (IT): MSc Computer Engineering, 106/110
- 2018-2021: University of Padua (IT): BSc Computer Engineering
- 2013-2018: I.T.S.T. J.F. Kennedy (Pordenone - IT): Computer Technician
Personal Skills
- Native tongue: Italian
- Spoken Languages: English B2, Spanish A1
- Professional skills: Good knowledge of programming, databases, programming languages and web technologies.
- Programming languages: C, C++, C#, Java, Kotlin, Python, PHP, JavaScript
- Platform: Web (Vue.js & React), Android (Kotlin), Windows (C#)
- Graphic interfaces: WinForm, WPF/XAML, Android
- Web technologies: HTML, CSS, jQuery, Vue.js, React
- CISCO Certification: CISCO IT Essentials, CISCO CCNA: Introduction to Networks, CISCO Introduction to IoT, CISCO Cybersecurity Essentials
- Networking and IPv6
- Electrical systems