This is a collection of my best notes, summaries and exercises from university courses at the university of Padova.

The Posters are summaries of a maximum of 10 pages in which there is an overview of the topics covered in the course, are exhaustive to carry out the exercises asked in the exam. The Zibaldoni of the exercises are collections of exercises carried out for the above subject taken from the official materials. While the Notes and Slides are my reworkings of the notes provided by the prof. In particular I thought it more practical in some subjects to give a form of “slide” as they are much easier to understand and integrate with other material.

Particularly the latter are unfinished notes, some of which feature ironic book-inspired covers O RLY. This is precisely why they contain TODO, and cannot be downloaded. If you have special needs (needing speech synthesis, or other aids) don’t hesitate to ask me for an accessible version via email. If you have any suggestions or corrections, again contact me via email.

BSC Course (in Italian)

MSC Course (in English)